Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Joe and Carl go camping

There once were two friends who decided to go camping. Let's call them Joe and Carl.

Everything was perfectly planned, until they realized they didn't have where to go to. They left anyway and figured they'd find a place to stay eventually.

After driving for a while, they decided to stop and set up their tents in the woods next to the road. “This way, we get the real feel of the wilderness,” Joe said.

As it started getting dark, it soon became clear that the mosquitoes would be a problem.

They had packed the bug spray, so they began to spray the tent.

Only they forgot they were still inside.

As you may imagine, the smell of the bug spray was unbearable, especially when confined to such a small place. Joe and Carl struggled to get out of the tent and after several failed attempts at opening the zipper, they managed to do so. They agreed that they weren't wilderness material and that sleeping in the woods was out of the question. In the morning, they packed their things and drove off, hoping to find a place to stay.

Eventually, they came across an actual camp site. They asked for the prices and immediately knew they couldn't afford staying there. On their way out, they noticed an empty lot right beside the camp site. It would do. They set up their tent and were satisfied with their new location.

Due to the lack of basic needs, though, they soon realized they wouldn't be able to stay there for too long. It was obvious they would need a place to freshen up and prepare their meals. So they came up with a plan. They'd sneak in the campsite. It worked. They put up their tent there and had full access to bathrooms, kitchens, and even a swimming pool.

Until they got caught and kicked out, anyway.

They were giving up on the whole camping idea. It was becoming clear that the world was conspiring against them. And then, on the way out of the campsite, they came across a friend of theirs.

They explained to Daisy what was going on and she gladly invited them to camp out in her backyard, since they were quite a few hours away from home. And so, they finally got to camp out. Sort of.