Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The coolest cake ever

I've never been quite good in the kitchen. I can fry an egg but that's about it. I used to be proud to say I can make the best Jell-O ever, but even my Jell-O has been suckish lately.

For some reason, whenever I fail at cooking something, I don't get dismotivated at all. Instead, it just feeds my desire to try even harder next time. It's like I'm completely convinced that, despite nearly setting the kitchen on fire on all of my other attempts, next time is going to be my big chance at proving to myself and to the world that I am the best cook ever. I will never give up.

I knew the magical day had arrived when I saw a picture of this on the internet:

It was a freaking rainbow cake. I had to make it. And I did. I had food coloring all over my hands and looked like a kid that had been playing with sharpies, but I did it. My chocolate covered rainbow vanilla cake was a success. It was a magically awesome colorful cake that didn't even stick to the bottom! Even my parents said they liked it and I could tell they weren't just lying to be nice this time.

I was so proud. I had to share my wonderful creation with the world.

When my neighbor came over, I knew that was my chance.

I ran downstairs and fetched him a slice of my cake, fully equipped with a fork, a napkin and a glass of Pepsi. Before I walked in, I hid behind a wall so he wouldn't see it before it was time. From behind the wall, I announced, "You don't have to eat it. Just look at it."

And then I walked in.

He was like "OMG IT'S COLORFUL" and I was like "I KNOW RIGHT" and needless to say he ate it all and loved it.

I am most definitely the future grand chef of the world.

Friday, March 11, 2011


Prepare for a very random selection of cat related drawings. I think there might be logic behind most of them.

This first sequence I did a while back. I planned on making it more elaborate but it just sat there for months so finally I was like, "screw it, I'll post it now" so here it is. A short list of things cats hate.

1. Cats do not like hugs. They might come to you when they're in a happy mood, but they do not consider you their friends. They consider you their feeding person and anti-stress soft pillow, but not their friends.

2. This is something my dad constantly does. Breathing in a cat's face soon after a meal. For some reason, he thinks the cat will enjoy the smell of his food. The point is, before or after eating, a cat will never enjoy having your breath all over its face. But after eating is worse.

3. When a cat is like this:

Or especially like this:

Do not EVER, under any circumstances, sneak up on them. Even though it is tempting.
They will hate you forever and most likely plot an evil revenge by killing you in your sleep.

The next sequence came up while talking to my friend. She mentioned a cat in heat outside her window that sounded like a badly tuned violin. Cats in heat are a PAIN. When my cat went into heat for the first time, I was lucky enough to be at a friend's house for the weekend. My parents were left in charge of the animals. After the first day, I got a call from my dad. "LAUREN. WE NEED TO SPAY THIS CAT. NOW. SHE'S CREEPING ME OUT. EWWW CHERRY THAT'S DISGUSTING STOP THAT!!! Lauren, seriously, call the vet and book her surgery."

Although I never had to witness my cat in heat, I had to deal with my friend's cat for years. I used to have lunch at her house every week and, I swear, it seemed like that cat was constantly in heat. Or maybe she just liked acting that way and got used to it. Either way, that cat was disturbing. I'd get to my friend's place and was forced to face this scene:

One day, the cat suddenly realized my backpack, innocently left lying on the floor, was the love of her life she had been for so long searching for. It was love at first sight. Undeniable. Unconditional. And most likely unrequited. But she didn't care. She confidently went after my backpack.

For everyone's sake, let's leave that sequence at that.

This last sequence also came up in a conversation with my friend. I'm not really sure how to explain this one. But somehow we came up with the idea of a killer cat/kid hybrid. I call him killer kidkat.

Just to make it clear, I have nothing against cats. Quite on the contrary, I absolutely love them. I grew up with cats and my house feels empty without one. I relate to them and really. They're just full of awesome.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Musical Intervention

You know, sometimes it's a good thing my mom controls the bills and tells us what we can and can't afford. Because if it were up to my dad and me, we would quickly become obsessed and compulsive about buying new musical instruments and we would probably end up on Intervention or something.

Just thought I'd share.

Monday, February 28, 2011

What I learned in school

Back in the day, when I was still in school, we were occasionally told to build things. This happened mostly in Physics class. Apparently it had something to do with seeing the practical side of what we had learned in class. Not that we ever even made a connection between the cool stuff we built and the boring stuff we read in the books. We just thought building things was fun.

I remember one time when we had to make a rocketship out of a regular plastic soda bottle. We were a group of three girls and, with a simple equation, I can explain what happened:

It was so pink and glittery and girly and it made me sick. I have never been much of a girly girl, and I had to do something to show I was a part of the group, too. Something that would scream LAUREN!!!, because all it would scream before was WE ARE PINK LOVING LITTLE GIRLY GIRLS!!! Something definitely had to be done about our rocketship.

And then, a light shone upon me and I had an idea.

I grabbed some rope and a doll that, coincidently, looked an awful lot like my Physics teacher. I'm not sure what my friends were thinking at the moment, but they didn't dare say a word.

I'm not really sure why, but the teacher wasn't too thrilled.

And then there was the day we had to make some sort of battery operated motor thingamajig that was supposed to look like this:

Yeah, I know. Doesn't seem too complicated. Well, IT WAS FOR US.

We were told to gather in groups of three and given one month to get it done. Can you guess what happened?

That's right. We procrastinated like no procrastinator has ever procrastinated before.

The project was due on a Monday. On Sunday, one of us remembered and we met up at Bob's house to try to put together something that would hopefully not look too last minute. I really don't know who we were kidding, but we tried.

We only had one problem: we needed a special kind of copper cable thing or something and, after going around the entire city on foot in the rain, we noticed the stores didn't open on Sundays. However, we found a store that sold some kind of power transformer box thing and the lady said it had the copper cable inside, if we could open it. It would do. We bought the power transformer box thing and took it back to Bob's house.

Opening it wasn't as easy as you might think and somehow led to this:

Okay, so maybe that's a bit of a dramatic representation of what really happened. But Bob did attack the power transformer box thing repeatedly with a hammer. He did manage to open it and retrieve the copper cable inside, but it wasn't the special copper cable we needed and, therefore, did not work for our battery operated motor thingamajig.

I can't really remember what else happened that day project-wise. I do remember, though, that Bob's mom made us sandwiches and that the three of us spent the rest of the evening playing the guitar and singing. Oh, and Bob used the not-so-special copper cable to improvise a new guitar strap. It looked pretty cool.

I wonder how much we scored on that project.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

My daddy and 9 songs

My dad and I have always been more like siblings in most ways. This is how our relationship usually goes:

Which often results in this:

Which translates to "I love you" in normal people language.

We constantly annoy eachother to the point where my mom has to yell at us to stop. It's a good thing at least one of us is mature.

Like one time while we were grocery shopping, when my dad pulled my flip flops off my feet and kicked them across the supermarket, causing me to run barefoot while laughing like an idiot. Or whenever we walk into a restaurant or any other type of public establishment where animals are not allowed, I have to go through this:

Seriously, though, we really do love eachother and relate in so many ways.

I believe one of the things that connects us the most is music. We've been doing music together ever since I can remember - usually him playing an instrument while I sing. During our last family road trip to the beach, we made a list of songs we could try once we got back. And then he gave me a challenge. I had to make a drawing for each song and then post them on the blog. Hence all this useless chatter I call an introduction.

So here we go.

1. Blue Moon

2. Dream a little Dream of Me

3. More Than Words

4. Fly me to the Moon

5. Smoke gets in your Eyes

6. Someone to Watch over Me

7. Somewhere Over the Rainbow

8. The way you look tonight

9. Somewhere beyond the sea

I really do