Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The coolest cake ever

I've never been quite good in the kitchen. I can fry an egg but that's about it. I used to be proud to say I can make the best Jell-O ever, but even my Jell-O has been suckish lately.

For some reason, whenever I fail at cooking something, I don't get dismotivated at all. Instead, it just feeds my desire to try even harder next time. It's like I'm completely convinced that, despite nearly setting the kitchen on fire on all of my other attempts, next time is going to be my big chance at proving to myself and to the world that I am the best cook ever. I will never give up.

I knew the magical day had arrived when I saw a picture of this on the internet:

It was a freaking rainbow cake. I had to make it. And I did. I had food coloring all over my hands and looked like a kid that had been playing with sharpies, but I did it. My chocolate covered rainbow vanilla cake was a success. It was a magically awesome colorful cake that didn't even stick to the bottom! Even my parents said they liked it and I could tell they weren't just lying to be nice this time.

I was so proud. I had to share my wonderful creation with the world.

When my neighbor came over, I knew that was my chance.

I ran downstairs and fetched him a slice of my cake, fully equipped with a fork, a napkin and a glass of Pepsi. Before I walked in, I hid behind a wall so he wouldn't see it before it was time. From behind the wall, I announced, "You don't have to eat it. Just look at it."

And then I walked in.

He was like "OMG IT'S COLORFUL" and I was like "I KNOW RIGHT" and needless to say he ate it all and loved it.

I am most definitely the future grand chef of the world.

1 comment:

  1. TAAAAA muito fofo *-*

    desenhos tipo baaaaarneeey . gameey demais

    adoro voce , simplismente!
    da sua amiga shatáa
    Vanessa '-'
